The Jewel Box Theatre has over 54 years been a center of creative activity for Oklahomans who love theater. Teens who participated in Jewel Box Theatre Productions in the 1950's now volunteer backstage and in the box office or appear on-stage with their children and grandchildren. Other Theaters have come and gone, but jewel Box keeps producing family comedy, drama and musicals for nearly 3,000 subscribers to enjoy.
Realizing the source of all theater comes from the creative efforts of playwrights, Jewel Box created a National Playwrights competition 24 years ago. In that time thousands of original scripts by American authors have been submitted. Each year a promising playwright receives $500 cash awards for the winning script. Nine Competition scripts have been produced at Jewel Box. Several have won productions at other theaters across the nation.
Young people are important at Jewel Box. Each year Jewel Box provides two $250 college Scholarships for a young actor and actress as they leave high school and continue theatre Studies at a local college of their choice.